Recover Unsaved PowerPoints

Recover Unsaved PowerPoints

Remember that Sunday after hours when you finished that perfect PowerPoint presentation you’ve worked on all the weekend for your annual review meeting and closed it without saving it?  Wasn’t it awful spending all night remaking it? Well, it didn’t had to be like...

Curso de PowerPoint en Español

¿No te gustaría destacarte en tu trabajo cuando se trata de crear y realizar presentaciones importantes? ¡Entonces, sin duda, estos son los cursos adecuados para tí!   PowerPoint ha existido desde 1987 y con el se realizan la mayoría de las presentaciones que...
Slide Show PPT Shortcuts #2

Slide Show PPT Shortcuts #2

Did you know that when giving a presentation you can use Keyboard shortcuts? These Shortcuts are key to display a blank black or white slide, or to return to the presentation from a blank black or white slide, to create or erase on screen annotations and much more! As...
Slide Show PPT Shortcuts #2

Slide Show PPT Shortcuts #1

Did you know that when giving a presentation you can use Keyboard shortcuts? These Shortcuts are key to display a blank black or white slide, or to return to the presentation from a blank black or white slide, to create or erase on screen annotations and much more! As...