by Juan Camilo Arias | Aug 22, 2018 | PowerPoint Tips & Tricks
Remember that Sunday after hours when you finished that perfect PowerPoint presentation you’ve worked on all the weekend for your annual review meeting and closed it without saving it? Wasn’t it awful spending all night remaking it? Well, it didn’t had to be like...
by Juan Camilo Arias | Jan 23, 2018 | PowerPoint Tips & Tricks
Customizing the SlidePoints Editable Slides Is As Easy As 1, 2, 3! This article is a Step-by-Step guide for common editing needs for PowerPoint® editable templates. Follow it as you edit your purchased slide kits. Doing so will make your presentation editing super...
by Juan Camilo Arias | Dec 14, 2017 | PowerPoint Tips & Tricks
Reaching your audience through YouTube or Vimeo is becoming more useful for promoting your business, pitch or even online courses. Well, we have good news for you! You can do this creating videos with PowerPoint in just a few steps. Let us show you how! When creating...
by Juan Camilo Arias | Apr 30, 2017 | PowerPoint Tips & Tricks
Everyday business presentations become more and more important as business become more global and the impact of a presentation is determinant for business success. This is real for almost every worker. Typical examples of this are teaching lectures, start-ups...
by Juan Camilo Arias | Apr 30, 2017 | PowerPoint Tips & Tricks
Remember that time when you spent long hours creating that urgent presentation, and when attached to a priority email for your boss when he was abroad, it couldn’t be sent because of it’s size ? Well, it didn’t have to be like that… It is not uncommon for PowerPoint...