Remember that time when you spent long hours creating that urgent presentation, and when attached to a priority email for your boss when he was abroad, it couldn’t be sent because of it’s size ? Well, it didn’t have to be like that…

It is not uncommon for PowerPoint files to be excessively and unnecessarily large. And most of the times the reason is that they include large size pictures. Luckily there are ways to get around it. PowerPoint includes key features meant to help you to easily downsize your presentation file, save disk space by compressing pictures in your document and make it easier to share your presentations with your colleagues!

These lines are meant to helping you to reduce your PowerPoint file size so you can share them easily and others can open and run them nicely and easily.

Reducing the file size, depends on your intent (sending it by email, presenting it on screen). So, let us tell you how easy is to compress your PowerPoint files step by step by decreasing one image or all images sizes in a few steps

If you want to compress all pictures:

  1. Go to File menu and click Reduce File Size.
  2. A Picture Quality pop-up menu will appear, giving you several options to compress the image sizes (see table below). This pop up window will give you the options to apply the changes to this or all images in the file and to delete cropped areas of the pictures (you can reduce the file size even more by selecting the Remove cropped picture regions check box).

If you want to compress selected pictures:

  1. Hold down SHIFT and click the pictures that you want to compress.
  2. Click the Format Picture tab, and then under Adjust, click Compress (see image below).
  3. A Picture Quality pop-up menu will appear, giving you several options to compress the image sizes (see table below). This pop up window will give you the options to apply the changes to this or all images in the file and to delete cropped areas of the pictures (you can reduce the file size even more by selecting the Remove cropped picture regions check box).


A great presentation is the first step into closing great deals. So, why not catching your audience in a very short moment with presentations that shortly summarize large amounts of information without drawing your audience attention from you? RIDMY is a Multipurpose PowerPoint slide kit, that has all the basic elements a winner presentation needs. Try it and deliver awesome presentations.

To compress pictures for Do this
Keeping the current resolution and minimizing changes to the picture Click Keep current resolution.
HD Click Best for viewing on HD screen (330 ppi).
Printing Click Best for printing (220 ppi).
Viewing on screen Click Best for viewing on screen (150 ppi).
Attaching it to an e-mail Click Best for sending in e-mail (96 ppi).

That’s it! Once done, don’t forget to save your presentation. You will see how the file size has decreased significantly and became easily manageable!