Is it time to begin designing your PowerPoint? Relax.

There are far too many tricks and shortcuts in PowerPoint, proven to be very useful! They have been thought to speed up your tasks big times and save you hours of work. That being said, let’s review them. Hope it helps!

Please note that these shortcuts are meant for computers whose default language is set to English. For other languages, these shortcuts may be different.

If you need to apply character formatting*

This the shortcut you need

Open the Font dialog box to change the formatting of characters.


Change between sentence case, lowercase, or uppercase.


Apply bold formatting.


Apply an underline.


Apply italic formatting.


Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing).

Ctrl+Equal sign (=)

Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing).

Ctrl+Shift+Plus sign (+)

Remove manual character formatting, such as subscript and superscript.


Insert a hyperlink.



If you need to copy text formatting*

This the shortcut you need

Copy formats.


Paste formats.



If you need to align paragraphs**

This the shortcut you need

Center a paragraph.


Justify a paragraph.


Left align a paragraph.


Right align a paragraph.



If you need to insert and reply to comments**

This the shortcut you need

Insert a new comment


Reply to a selected comment



If you need to change the order of slides in a slide deck

This the shortcut you need

Move slide up in order

Ctrl+Up Arrow

Move slide down in order

Ctrl+Down Arrow

Move slide to beginning

Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow

Move slide to end

Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow


If you need to reorder sections of slides in a slide deck

This the shortcut you need

Move section up in order

Ctrl+Up Arrow

Move section down in order

Ctrl+Down Arrow

Move section to beginning

Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow

Move section to end

Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow

* Select the text you want to change before using these keyboard shortcuts.

** Use the Insert Comment command (Alt+N, L) to open the Comments Pane before using these keyboard shortcuts.