Is it time to begin designing your PowerPoint? Relax.

There are far too many tricks and shortcuts in PowerPoint, proven to be very useful! They have been thought to speed up your tasks big times and save you hours of work. That being said, let’s review them. Hope it helps!

Please note that these shortcuts are meant for computers whose default language is set to English. For other languages, these shortcuts may be different.

Insert a shape

  1. To select Shapes, press Alt+N, S, and then H.
  2. Use the arrow keys to move through the categories of shapes, and select the shape you want.
  3. Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the shape.

Insert a text box

  1. Press Alt+N, X.
  2. Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the text box.

Insert an object

  1. To select Object, press Alt+N, and J .
  2. To move the focus to the Object type list, press Tab.
  3. Press Ctrl+Enter to insert the object.

Insert WordArt

  1. To select WordArt, press Alt+N, W .
  2. Use the arrow keys to select the WordArt style you want, and press Enter.
  3. Type your text.

Select a shape (if your cursor is within text, press Esc before using this shortcut)

  • To select a single shape, press the Tab key to cycle forward (or Shift+Tab to cycle backward) through the objects until sizing handles appear on the object you want.

Group or ungroup elements

  • To group,select the items that you want to group, and press Ctrl+G.
  • To ungroup,select the group, and press Ctrl+Shift+G.

Copy the attributes of a shape

  1. Selectthe shape with the attributes you want to copy (If you select a shape with text, you copy the look and style of the text in addition to the attributes of the shape)
  2. To copy the object attributes, press Ctrl+Shift+C.
  3. To select the object you want to copy the attributes to, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab .
  4. To paste the attributes of the shape to the selected object, press Ctrl+Shift+V.